Ten Popular Drinks for Diabetes

Ten Popular Drinks for Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that causes a hike or a dip in your blood sugar or blood glucose levels. This is one of the most common diseases, what with 29 million people in the US suffering from it. If you take care of your body and lead a healthy lifestyle while following a good diet, you can keep a tab on your blood sugar levels, and lead a healthy and normal life. Here is a list of a few drinks for diabetes that you simply must incorporate to your diet.

When in doubt, always drink water. Water is something you cannot go wrong with, so make sure you drink water through the day. Water keeps you hydrated, and this, in turn, helps maintain your blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can cause dehydration. Also, drinking water regularly can help your body eliminate any excess glucose. Make sure you drink about 8 to 20 glasses of water a day. If water is too plain for you, add slices of lemon, orange, or flavored herbs like basil, mint, or lemon balm. This is one of the best drinks for diabetes one can consider having.

Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is known for its medicinal properties and makes for a great drink if you’re diabetic as well. With no calories, great flavor, and a good amount of antioxidants, chamomile tea is one of the perfect health drinks for diabetes. Research suggests that when you regularly drink chamomile tea, your blood sugar levels come down as well. Chamomile tea also helps prevent and treat a list of complications like kidney disease, blindness, circulatory disorders, and much more.

Black coffee is a great drink if you’re suffering from diabetes. It has less than 20 calories and only about 5 grams of carbohydrates in every cup. It helps maintain your blood sugar levels, and you won’t have to worry about your body weight as well. Body weight plays a big role in your sugar levels because being overweight and obese can cause the levels to rise.

Unsweetened tea or black tea, like coffee, is a great drink for people who are suffering from diabetes. It has a whole list medicinal properties, like antioxidants as well as anti-bacterial properties. Tea contains theaflavins and EGCG, which helps regulate your sugar levels as well as your insulin. Green tea especially is a great choice. Regular consumption of this has proven to be effective when it comes to diabetes.

Milk contains calories, but it also has vitamin D and a lot of calcium, which is something a diabetic person would need. Milk also has a lot of proteins that are great for your body. Drink milk often, and make sure you don’t add sugar to it while you do so. You can have a cup of skim milk. It contains close to 12 grams of carbohydrates and about 80 calories.

Apple juice
People are not kidding when they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples work as great detoxifiers, as they contain large levels of pectin, which is a substance found in the seeds and peel of the apple. Apples also work as great antioxidants; it can help get rid of any harmful toxins in your blood and body. Moreover, it can lower the insulin levels in your blood by over 35%. Apples have vitamin B1, which helps in preventing brain diseases as well, something diabetic patients are prone to.

Grape juice
Grapes are known to reduce the level of glucose in your body, so it is one of the most commonly recommended drinks for those suffering from diabetes. This drink is also great for aiding weight loss as well.

Bitter gourd juice
Bitter gourd juice is known to be one of the best drinks for diabetes. It can help with the promotion of insulin, which in turn helps lower your blood glucose level.

Cucumber juice
Cucumber is great for those who suffer from diabetes. It contains a number of essential nutrients like phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium salts, amino acids, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, and vitamin C. Cucumber juice can also help reduce inflammation, treats arthritis, works as a diuretic, and helps in reducing swelling. Make sure you drink cucumber juice regularly as you will see for yourself that it has a positive effect on your body.

Carrot juice
Carrots juice has a number of benefits. Packed with enzymes and vitamin A, carrots also help in the production of insulin, which in turn can help control your blood sugar level.

While diabetes is a common disease, neglecting it can prove to be fatal. Have these drinks for diabetes and you’ll see a notable difference. Make sure you have these drinks for diabetes on a regular basis and lead a healthier life.

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