Popular UTI Treatments at Home

Popular UTI Treatments at Home

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) is a common problem that affects both men and women. Let’s look at some of the causes of this infection. Urinary system comprises urethra, which is responsible for carrying urine out of the bladder. UTI happens when infection-causing bacteria can make their way up the urethra. There are a number of reasons that cause UTI. If UTI gets worse, it is best to see your doctor as the infection can spread to the kidneys and cause serious problems. Before the situation turns nasty, it is better to fight the bacteria at the beginning itself. In this article, we have discussed some home remedies for UTI’s that not only kills bacteria but also help pee flow painlessly and smoothly once again.

It is never good to control the natural flow of urine. Controlling urine can also be one of the causes of UTI. When you hold it for a longer period, it gives bacteria a chance to grow and multiply. This will cause an infection. In case you are suffering from UTI, peeing help in flushing more of that bacteria out of your system.

Here are some remedies that can be used to treat UTI at home and to get over signs of a urinary tract infection. These remedies do not require any prescriptions and can be easily done at home along with any other method/methods recommended by your doctor. However, be cautious when using Uti at home remedies and speak to your doctor before starting a new treatment plan.

The foremost thing when suffering from UTI is to drink lots of water. Water helps in flushing out not only toxins but also bacteria. By drinking water, you give your system a helping hand to get rid of that nasty bacteria.

Vitamin C
It is beneficial to consume everything that is loaded with Vitamin C as large amounts of it can make the urine acidic thus hindering the growth of unwanted infection-causing bacteria.

Baking Soda
An alkaline substance, baking soda helps in neutralizing or lessening the acidity in the urine. If you are resisting to pee because of the burning sensation, baking soda is the right option for you.

Stay clean and dry
It is advised for women to wipe front and back properly after a bowel movement. This helps in ensuring that the bacteria are unable to ensure getting into the urethra. It’s also essential to wear loose-fitting cotton clothes and underwear as allows the area to remain dry. Often, materials like nylon tend to create problems as moisture gets caught in it and give bacteria a chance to breed.

Because of the high water content, cucumbers are an excellent remedy to get extra fluid out through the system.

Hot Water Bottle
The inflammation caused during UT is painful and can cause discomfort. In such cases, applying heat over the bladder can bring some relief. The gentle warmth helps relax muscles thus melting the pain caused due to inflammation.

Ginger Tea
The chemical make-up of ginger allows to stop prostaglandin synthesis and helps prevent and reduce inflammation and pain.

Coconut water and coconut milk
The liquid inside coconuts have a cooling effect on the body and is known to give relief from severe pain caused during UTI.

It is one of the most effective and promising home remedies for UTI. Probiotics help support the normal flora of human body. This flora acts as a line of defense. Consuming food that is fermented helping to bring blackbody’s natural flora and also helps in recolonizing the bladder with good, caring bacteria. Some of the healthiest fermented foods include kimchi, kefir, probiotic yogurt, sauerkraut, raw cheese, and kombucha.

Cranberry Juice
Cranberry products are helpful in inhibiting growth and colonization of bacteria that cause UTI infection. The blend of acidic substances in the juice makes it difficult for the fimbria to branch things, thus reducing the chances of infection.

Horseradish is spicy with a natural compound allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) that has a strong antimicrobial influence. While blueberries and cranberries are bacteriostatic, i.e., they prevent the reproduction of bacteria, AITC, on the other hand, is bactericidal, i.e., it kills the bacteria in no time. By using horseradish paste, bacteria are killed as it attacks the cellular film of the bacteria which makes the survival impossible.

Cream of Tartar and Lemon
An old yet effective remedy, cream of tartar changes the pH of urine, thus making a less-friendly environment for bacteria to thrive and grow. By adding a lemon or lime juice, the concoction has powerful bacteria-killing properties because of the vitamin C present in lemon. It is known to dry UTI very fast and is quite effective when in severe pain.

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