Popular Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth

Popular Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth can be described as an infection of a tooth root or between a gum and tooth. Bacteria is the one that causes this problem, and they enter the tooth through a dental cavity or crack. The bacteria get spread even into the tip of the root. This condition results in the formation of pus and the patient experiences inflammation and pain as well. Severe tooth decay is the most common condition that leads to abscessed tooth and gum disease is also a major contributor. Other risk factors are sticky foods, excess consumption of carbohydrates, diets high in sugar and poor dental hygiene.
Here are some of the best abscess tooth home remedy options:

Oil pulling

Oil pulling is a very ancient Ayurvedic practice, and it can be utilized to address the problem of an abscessed tooth. This practice is extremely effective in lowering the bacterial growth in the mouth. Toxins can be drawn from the mouth as well as from body easily, and this situation leads to better oral health. You can place one tablespoon of extra-virgin coconut oil in the mouth, and the oil should be swished for 15 minutes. Extreme care should be given not to swallow it. After swishing for 15 minutes, it can be spat it, and warm water needs to be used to wash your mouth. You have to repeat oil pulling two times a day for better results, and it is always advisable to perform this process on an empty stomach.

Black tea bag

One of the most popular home remedies for abscess tooth is a black tea bag. Black tea contains tannins that control inflammation and pain considerably. Moreover, the presence of antioxidants that fights against infection to ensure good oral health. First of all, a black tea bag must be soaked in warm water for a couple of minutes and then, it has to be removed from the water. After wringing it out, the teabag must be placed on the tooth. You have to keep it on the tooth overnight. In the morning, it can be rinsed off using warm salt water solution. This process needs to be repeated once in a day for two weeks.

Garlic for anti-inflammatory

Excellent anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties can be associated with garlic. These properties make garlic a very good option for addressing the discomforts linked with an abscessed tooth. Pain becomes minimal with this home remedy, and it also prevents the spread of the infection effectively. A fresh garlic clove should be placed in your mouth, and it needs to be crushed using your teeth. You have to chew the garlic cloves until the pain disappears. Then, it should be spat out, and your mouth has to be rinsed using warm water. To prevent the residual smell, warm water needs to be mixed with a few drops of clove oil. Another way of making use of garlic is to combine a pinch of table salt, and a half teaspoon of garlic powder and this mixture can be applied directly to the affected tooth. You have to leave the mixture on the tooth for 10 minutes, and then, it can be washed away with the help of mouthwash. Several people follow the practice of rubbing garlic oil on the tooth to get fast relief. In does not matter what type of method you follow, you have to repeat it 3 to 4 times daily.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a good option for a wide range of health problems, and it can also be used for treating an abscessed tooth. Everybody knows that it has excellent disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties and these two aspects make cider vinegar a very good option to reduce inflammation and pain, and it also disinfects the affected area in the best way possible. One tablespoon of raw, unfiltered cider vinegar should be swished in your mouth for a couple of minutes, and then, you have to spit it out fully. The important thing is that you do not have to swallow it. The next step is to rinse your mouth with the help of warm water, and this process has to be repeated a couple of times a day. Another effective way of using apple cider vinegar for treating abscessed tooth is to combine one teaspoon of cider vinegar with one glass of water, and it should be taken two times a day to get excellent relief.

There are many more types of abscess tooth home remedy options available, and they include using hydrogen peroxide, pepper mint oil, and salt. All these methods offer good results, and you do not have to bother about any side effects as well.


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