Major Signs of Seizures You Should Know

Major Signs of Seizures You Should Know

What are seizures?
A seizure refers to a burst of electrical activity taking place in the human brain. It may last up to 30 minutes, and sometimes, the seizures may disappear within a few seconds. If you experience seizures repeatedly, you are exposed to epilepsy or seizures. Most people get early signs of seizures that may last a few minutes or a few hours or a few days. The warning signs can be described as ‘pre-ictal.’

Fundamentally, seizures can be classified into two categories, namely focal seizures and generalized seizures. When it comes to focal seizures, they begin in a specific area of your brain, and the seizures is named after the part on which they occur. You will experience physical as well as emotional effects, and the focal seizures also make you hear or see things that do not exist. Around sixty percent of people, who are suffering from epilepsy, experience this kind of seizure. These seizures are also known as partial seizures, and there is a chance of mistaking the partial seizures symptoms with mental illness or nerve disorder signs. The nerve cells located on the two sides of your brain misfire when you experience generalized seizures: You may fall, blackout or experience muscle spasm during the period of experiencing a generalized seizure.

What are the major signs of seizures?

Strange or unusual feelings
Many people often have a strange, odd or unusual feeling before a seizure. You may experience it days or hours before the attack of seizure. It is something like feeling disoriented or confused, and a sense of detachment is experienced from the environment. Some people are found completely lost, and there can be a daydreaming tendency as well.

Auras are one of the common signs of seizures. It has been found out some people experiencing a strange smell, and many have to deal with a weird taste in their mouth. Having to deal with a visual disturbance can also be attributed as a sign of seizure. For example; some people see unrealistic heights that actually do not exist while some others experience a blurry vision. Another aura sign is the tendency to hear an unknown musical sound and a good number of people feel that the room temperature has altered. Feeling some of the body parts numb or weak can also be included in the signs of aura seizures.

Feeling of anxiousness
One of the common tendencies observed among adults before seizures is anxiety. A tense feeling or anxiousness overhauls them and immediately after the anxious phase, they feel dreaded. As far as children are concerned, they become impulsive or eccentric during this stage. A frustration creeps in, and they become restless with themselves or others. In such a situation, you can expect inappropriate behavior from the affected.

Sensing sudden pain
It has been observed that some people experience sudden pain as a warning of a seizure. They keep on complaining about the pain, and any part of the body can become vulnerable to this pain. The most common pain among the sufferers is a headache and it can bear a close resemblance to a migraine. Several people experience a tingling and uncomfortable sensation in and around their stomach, and it may also occur in some other parts of the body of the affected.

Symptoms occurring during the beginning stage of the seizures or prodromal symptoms
It can be said that a good number of seizures warning symptoms are prodromal. They refer to the symptoms that happen along with the arrival of a seizures attack. The most popular prodromal signs are dark mood and depression, and these symptoms manifest a few before the attack. When you are in such a situation, you often think that happiness is a distant reality and in the case of a child, depressed state of mind is the most common prodromal sign.

Subdivisions of seizures
Detailed analysis suggests that generalized seizures can be classified into many other types and they include tonic seizures, clonic seizures, atonic seizures, myoclonic seizures and absence seizure. In the same way, focal seizures can also be subdivided into various categories, and they include simple focal seizure, complex focal seizures, and secondary generalized seizure.

Whatever may be the nature of your seizures; these are the most common signs of seizures. Other popular signs include staring, stopping the activity that one is engaged in, lack of response, rolling up of eyes, head bobbing, frequent licking, regular swallowing, salivating, flushing, brief jerking, sweating, tremor, and goosebumps. Moreover, changes in breathing, memory problems, garbled speech, and screaming are some other signs of seizures. When the seizures attack comes in, the immediate step that you need to do is to protect the patient from getting injured, and the services of a doctor should be sought immediately to prevent the situation getting worsened.

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