Best Home Remedies for Toe Nail Fungus

Best Home Remedies for Toe Nail Fungus

The medical term for Toenail fungus is Onychomycosis. This condition is characterized by pain, swelling of the toes, inflammation, and thickening of the nail. Toenail fungus can be controlled by over the counter medications and surgical removal of the nail. However, medical cure of this complication has some side effects also, and the most common of these include rashes, blisters, loss of appetite, weight gain and dizziness among others.

This makes it a fit to use of herbal and home remedies when it comes to the best cure for toenail fungus.

Some curative measures for toenail fungus infection include:

Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the best cures for toenail fungus is the use of apple cider vinegar which can be used both topically as well as internally. For using apple cider vinegar as a curative measure, a part of apple cider vinegar and Epsom salt is mixed with six parts of water. This water should be warm enough for the feet to be soaked in twice on a daily basis. This exercise is to be repeated for 30 minutes. Doing so will kill the fungus, and the complication will heal with the passage of time.

Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract is another among the best cure for toenail fungus. If taken on a regular basis as a supplement this natural remedy is a viable cure for the fungal infection. This leaf extract is known to be antiviral and antibacterial. It also helps in lowering cholesterol.

Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is an antiseptic and a fungicide which also helps in curing toenail fungus. For applying tea tree oil, clean the infected area by rubbing some alcohol and then apply tea tree oil on the affected nails. Keep the same for 10 minutes and scrub the nail afterward with a toothbrush which has soft bristles. If you are applying the oil directly, you can mix the oil with almond or olive oil.

This oil application is to be repeated until a healthy nail grows out. This treatment should be repeated two to three times until complete regrowth occurs.

Orange oil
This is another of the best cure for toenail fungus and can be applied to toenails to cure this infection. A drop of orange oil can also be applied to nails and in the space between the toes to have some relief from toenail fungus. However, some people have a citrus allergy, and therefore care should be taken when orange oil is applied.

Baking Soda
The fungus requires an acidic atmosphere to grow, and baking soda is known to prevent toenail fungus as it is alkaline. To use baking soda you should mix equal parts of borax powder and baking soda with water so that a thin paste gets formed. The feet are to be soaked and rubbed in this mixture, especially on the infected nail region.

This process has to be done twice on a daily basis for at least two weeks even when the fungus has cleaned up.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is an effective remedy for treating an infection related to toenail fungus. For using the same a thin layer of coconut oil has to be applied to the infected areas. The infected toes are to be soaked in this oil for at least fifteen minutes. This is also very effective for maintaining healthy skin.

Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is known to have anti fungal properties and can be used in cases of infection in the toenail. A few drops of lavender oil are to be applied to infected nails, and these are to be soaked in this oil overnight. This oil has to be prevented from rubbing off for better results. The feet can be covered with a pair of wool socks for better results.

This practice is to be repeated for 1-2 weeks since the infection remains for some time, even as if it seems that it has healed up.

Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is another of the cures for toenail fungus. A few drops of this oil can be applied to the infected nails. This oil can be prepared at home also else it is easily available in the market.

Probiotics can also be used to treat toenail fungus effectively. A range of probiotics are available in the market and can be used for the effective cure of toenail fungus. Lactobacillus bacterium is an effective bacteria found in most of the probiotics which have a detrimental effect in curing toenail fungus.

Toenail fungus is not a serious health issue, but if you have taken effective care of your feet, this condition can heal in minimal time.

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