8 Healthy and Easy Snacks to Have at Work

8 Healthy and Easy Snacks to Have at Work

It can be difficult to eat healthy whilst working, especially, with the pressure of deadlines and other work-related stress. Atop that many office pantries offer a variety of tasty snacks filled with sugar and trans fats. Your willpower is constantly at a test and choosing the healthier option seems more and more difficult as the day passes. However, there are some tasty and easy snack options that are extremely healthy and yet filling.

Below are some healthy and easy snacks that you can consume at work:

When it comes to satisfying cravings or hunger in between your meals, crackers are your best go-to option. They are one of those easy snacks that are great replacements for anything fried, as they are way healthier than anything fried. Also, while selecting crackers, remember to always opt for the less-processed ones. Search for crackers that are made of whole grains and ensure that they don’t contain any saturated fats.

Instant oatmeal packets
When you are feeling extremely hungry in between your meals, instant oatmeal packs will help to keep you full. Oatmeal is not only a healthy breakfast option, but it is also a great snack to consume, especially, when hungry. It provides energy and the healthy carbs help your stomach to stay full for a long time. Look for oatmeal packs that are made of 100% whole grains to reap the maximum benefits. However, most instant oatmeal packs are processed, and the best option is to look for the one that is least processed. These oatmeal packs are a great source of vitamin A, iron, and dietary fibers.

Fruits and dried fruits
Fruits and dried fruits are the best perishables and easy snacks out there. They are compact and easy-to-carry from one place to another, as most of them come in their own carrying packs. You can simply grab a piece of that juicy orange or those healthy bananas in between your meals to satiate your hunger. Also, if you are bored with the fresh fruits, you can also try the dried fruit chews for some tasty change.

Different variety of snack bars
Snack bars these days are more popular than ever. There are different varieties available to meet everyone’s need like an energy bar, a fruit and nut bar, a protein bar, etc. They are healthy and easy snacks that are available anywhere and everywhere, literally! These snack bars provide a balanced amount of nutrition, make you feel energized for hours, and keep you full for a long period of time. Look for snack bars that have minimal processing and very few ingredients.

If you are looking for proteins in your easy snacks, yogurt is one of the best options available. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Additionally, yogurt is known to contain beneficial probiotics that aid in maintaining the digestive tract. Yogurt is easily available in a variety of flavors, which gives you many options to choose from. However, ensure that you read the labels and choose the ones with the least added artificial flavors and preservatives.

String cheese
When it comes to cheese, many consider it as an unhealthy snack option because of its high calorie and fat content. However, cheese is a great source of various nutrients like protein, calcium, and vitamin D. Cheese is one of the easy snacks that is the tastiest and even healthy when consumed in moderation. It is important to read the labels while choosing the type of cheese, as not all cheeses are filled with the same healthy ingredients. A simple way to find the best cheese is to look for the one that is less processed and more organic.

Just like cheese, chips are one easy snack that is considered anything but healthy. However, when made in the right way and consumed in the right proportion, it is one of the easy snacks that you can definitely rely on. There are various brands that offer different varieties of chips that are cooked in healthy oils like coconut oil, avocado oils, olive oil, and sunflower oil. It is the perfect snack for people who love chips or anything crispy as they get to have their favorite chips and remain healthy at the same time. These healthy chips also help to curb the cravings, as one can simply eat these chips without breaking their healthy lifestyle.

Nuts are amazing and easy snacks which require no cooking at all, just take them and go. They are great to consume when you are in a hurry, busy with a tight schedule, or just don’t have the time to get up from your desk. They are filled with nutrition like healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein. Also, they are delicious and help in preventing a number of chronic illnesses. Some great nuts to eat during snack time are almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, hazelnuts, etc.

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